Legal Information

Legal Information - Shelfdrilling North Sea

Shelf Drilling (North Sea), Ltd. is an exempted company incorporated under the laws of Bermuda.
The company is listed on Euronext Growth Oslo under the ticker “SDNS”.
The company has one class of listed shares, common shares, registered in Euronext VPS, which all carry the same rights.
For more information about the company’s shares, please see the Euronext web page.


Facts about Shelf Drilling North Sea’s common shares
Name: Shelf Drilling (North Sea), Ltd.
Ticker: SDNS
ISIN: BMG236541097
Trading currency: NOK
Par value: USD 0.01
Number of common shares issued: 100,000,000
Independent auditor: PricewaterhouseCoopers Dubai branch


VPS Registrar
DNB Bank ASA, Verdipapirservice
Dronning Eufemias Gate 30
N-0021 Oslo
Telephone: +47 23 26 80 16